Michael Dowdle
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A Brighter Day
A Brighter Day

A Brighter Day is a soothing collection of Michael's original instrumental songs performed on the acoustic guitar. This album is recorded live and "unplugged" in the studio (no overdubs!) in a trio format with percussion and bass. That way the song speaks in its simplest form. Michael had a lot of fun making A Brighter Day and sincerely hopes it will be pleasing and relaxing to the listener.

Read the Deseret News article about A Brighter Day here.

CD Tracks

A Brighter Day
El Dorado
In a Quiet Place
The Simple Life
Where the River Bends
My Best Friend
Blue Suspenders
Dusk at Pine Creek
No Worries
Old New Yorker
Front Porch Rag
Gee Song
Pleasant Pictures

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